A Physics teacher in East View Secondary. Trying his best to engage his students in lively lessons. Trying his best to help his students succeed in their studies and lives.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Fleming's Left Hand Rule
Teaching 502 today and was quite shocked that some laptops still don't have flash installed. Luckily found some videos on youtube to show them.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
haha... my 'fav' blogger blogging about Science Centre!
I have always thought most of the exhibits at Science Centre are very cool... not all are well maintained... some of them are 'ancient'! haha.... I remembered the electric chair and I think it was there since I started going to Science Centre in Primary school.... and that was a long long time ago!!
I wish East View is nearer to Science Centre.. this way, I will bring students more often there... and perhaps conduct lessons there... a change of environment also hooks students and interests them to study better...
I wish East View is nearer to Science Centre.. this way, I will bring students more often there... and perhaps conduct lessons there... a change of environment also hooks students and interests them to study better...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Ins't tihs ture?
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses
Heavy Newspaper
Yup, this is totally amazing! hahaha... go and buy a 50 cents wooden ruler and try it out!
Physics Songs
In an attempt (some may say desperate attempt) to elevate Physics into the state of coolness, we write songs about Physics! One video is done by a teacher in Singapore... haha... guess which one har?
TV Ad for Family
The first time I saw this ad, I was touched... the many beautiful imperfections in our partners that make our lives complete... thought the poignancy of the moment was captured wonderfully by the director... I know that has not much to do with Physics... well you can say the part where she was describing the motor sounds... you will learn about the motor in Physics in Sec 4...
But education is sometimes not simply learning about the facts and figures... the journey is equally important... learning Physics is not just learning about the facts and formulae... it is also about the journey of a student trying to grasp the amount of information around him and making sense of it all...
Don't give up on learning... certain things may seem to be difficult to understand but if you take some time to read through and think about the topic, I am sure you will be enlightened!
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Please do not try any of the experiments carried out in the videos shown on this blog without any adult supervision. They can be dangerous. Always seek an adult's supervision and advice before carrying out any of the experiments.